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About $BOSS

Boss of Cats isn't just another memecoin; it's a movement. We believe that cats deserve their rightful place at the top of the hierarchy, and we're committed to making that a reality. With their intelligence, independence, and undeniable charm, cats are poised to take the crypto world by storm – and $BOSS of Cats Coin is here to lead the way.

BOSS of Cats - Tokenomics

Symbol: $BOSS

Total supply:

No pre-sale

No taxes (0%)

100% LP Burn

comic bubbles



"Moon's surface

How to Buy $BOSS

Circled 2 C
Circled 3

Download Phantom

Go to chrome webstore and get phantom ​addon

Add funds

Buy solana on an exchange and send sol ​to your phantom wallet

Buy on raydium

Visit Raydium swap, change the slippage as ​needed, and buy.

Solana logo coin icon

DISCLOSURE: By purchasing $BOSS coin, you agree that you are not purchasing a security or investment contract and you agree to hold the team harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may incur. Although BOSS OF CATS is a community-driven DeFi Ecosystem and not a registered digital currency, always make sure that you are in compliance with local laws and regulations before you make any purchase. $BOSS is a community coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return.